With the different types of bird available and many ways they are sold,
popular choice for every sort of occasion.s
By far the tastiest poultry to buy is that which has been farmyard reared
and is freshly killed. When buying a fresh chicken, look for plump, well-
rounded breast, and skin that is free from blemishes and bruising.
If using frozen poultry, poultry must be thawed completely before
cooking, Poultry cooked from frozen, or even with a few ice crystals
remaining, is a serious health risk.
Chicken With Garlic
4 tbsp olive oil
1.8 kg chicken
1 sprig each of rosemary, thyme
1 bay leaf
40 garlic cloves
salt and freshly ground pepper
grated nutmeg
300 ml hot water
1 Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole and fry the chicken for about 8
minutes until browned on all sides. remove chicken from casserole.
2 Place the herbs in the base of the casserole. Arrange the garlic,
unpeeled, in one layer over them. Place the chicken on top and
season well with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
3 Cover and cook over a very low heat for 1 1/2 hours until tender,
adding a little hot water if necessary.
4 When cooked, removed the chicken and place on a warmed serving
dish. Set aside and keep hot until required.
5 Strain the sauce into a bowl, pushing the garlic cloves through
the sieve, using the back of a wooden spoon.
6 Add the hot water to the casserole and stir to lift the sediment.
Return the sauce, taste and adjust seasoning, and simmer for
2 minutes or until hot. Serve with the chicken.