Al Dente - Doneness description for pasta cooked until tender but firm to the bite.
Bake - Cook in oven surrounded by dry heat.
Baste – Spoon liquid over food during cooking to keep it moist.
Beat – Combine ingredients vigorously using spoon, fork, whisk or electric mixer until mixture is smooth.
Batter – An uncooked mixture of flour, eggs and liquid (with other ingredients).
Blanch – Plunge food into boiling water for a brief time to preserve colour and nutritional values or to remove skin.
Blend – Combine ingredients, until mixture is very smooth and uniform.
A blender of food processor may be used.
Boil – Heat liquid until bubble rise continuously.
Broil – Cook directly under or above a red-hot heating unit.
Brown – Cook quickly over high heat, until food surface turn brown.
Caramelize – Melt sugar slowly over low heat until it becomes a golden
brown syrup. Or sprinkle granulated sugar on top of food and burn
until the sugar is melted and caramelized.
Chill – Place food in the refrigerator until thoroughly cold.
Chop – To cut coarsely.
Coat – To cover food evenly with crumbs or sauce.
Cool – Allow hot food to stand at room temperature.
Core – Remove the center of a fruits.
Cube – Cut food into squares.
Deep-fry – Cook in hot oil that's deep enough to float the food.
Deglaze – Add a small amount of liquid to loosen browned bits
of food in a pan (after food has been panfried or bake). This will
be the base for sauce or gravy.
Dice – Cut food into squares.
Dissolve – Stir a dry ingredient into liquid until dry ingredient disappears.
Dough – Mixture of flour and liquid (bread making, pastry)
Drizzle – Pour topping in thin lines over food.
Dust – Sprinkle lightly with flour, powdered sugar.
Flake – Break lightly into small pieces.
Fold – Combine mixture lightly to prevent loss of air.
Garnish – Decorate food to enhance appearance with parley or
other small cut foods.
Glaze – Brush, spread or drizzle an ingredient (Jam, melted chocolate)
on food to give a glossy appearance or hard finish.
Grease – Rub the bottom and side of a pan with oil or butter to
prevent food from sticking during baking.
Julienne – Cut into thin even strips.
Melt – Turn a solid into liquid by heating.
Poach – Cook in simmering liquid just below the boiling point.
(usually eggs, fish)
Puree – Mash or blend food until smooth. Or forcing food through a sieve.
Reduce – Boil liquid uncovered to evaporate some of the liquid.
Saute – Tossing and turning food in hot oil or fat over medium heat.
Score – Using a knife cut surface of food.
Sear – Brown meat quickly over high heat to seal in juices.
Season – Add flavour, usually with salt, pepper, spices or herbs.
Shred – Cut into long thin pieces.
Simmer – Cook gently in liquid that is almost boiling.
Skim – Remove fat or foam from soup, broth, stock.
Snip – cut into very small pieces, using kitchen scissors.
Soft Peaks – Egg whites beaten until peaks are rounded or curl
when whisk are lifted.
Stiff Peaks – Egg whites beaten until peaks stand up straight.
Steam – Cook food by placing on a rack or special steamer basket over boiling water in a covered pan. Steaming helps retains flavour and nutritional value.
Stew – Cook slowly in liquid for a long time.
Zest – Outside colored layer of citrus fruits. (Oranges, Lemon, Lime)