Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thai Basil Chicken

3 tbsp oil
1 onion, chopped
10 cill padi (bird's eye chili) sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
300g chicken meat, sliced
Handful of Thai basil leaves

2 tbsp oyster sauce
1 ½ tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
½ tsp sugar

1 Heat oil in a wok. When hot, stir-fry onion and cili padi for 2 minutes.
Add garlic, chicken and seasoning.

2 Turn up the fire, toss in basil leaves and stir-fry for another 10 sec.
Dish out and serve.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nasi Minyak (Rice)

5 tbsp ghee
100 gm water
60 gm evaporated milk
500 g long grain rice,
-washed and drained
1 ½ tsp salt
2 screwpine leaf (pandan leaf)

10g ginger, pounded
5g shallots, sliced
6 cloves garlic, pounded
5 cm cinnamon stick
4 cardomoms
2 star anise                                               
3 cloves

1 Heat ghee in wok fry all the spices together for 3-4 minutes until fragrant.

2 Pour in the water and the evaporated milk.

3 Bring to a boil and add in the rice. Mix well.

4 Transfer the rice to a rice pot and add in the salt and screwpine leaves.

5 Cook the rice, gently stir occasionally.

Add or subtract the water for cooking the rice according to whether you
prefer your rice hard or soft.

Chicken Rendang

15 pcs dried Chillies -
(soak in hot water until soft)
100 g shallots
6 pcs garlic
2 cm thick turmeric
6 cm pc thick galangal
4 cm pc fresh ginger
½ cup water for blending
300 gm water for cooking
1.5kg chicken (chopped into pcs)
2 pc tumeric leaves
300 g thick coconut milk
50 g fried coconut (kerisik)
1 ½ tsp salt

1 Mix the dried chillies, shallots, garlic, tumeric, galangal, ginger and
blend until fine.

2 Pour the blended ingredients into a pot, add in the 300 g of water
and cook for 8-10 minutes

3 Put in the chicken pieces and tumeric leaves into the pot. Mix and
cook till well blended.

4 Pour in the thick coconut milk, cover and simmer till the gravy is thick.

5 Add in the fried coconut(kerisik) , stir and add in salt to taste.
Serve hot with rice.

Beef Rendang

100 g shallots
30 g garlic
30 g ginger
3 stalks lemongrass (serai)
100 ml oil
1kg beef, cubed
500 ml coconut milk
4 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
150 g chilli, ground
50 g coconut - pan-fried until
brown and then blended finely (kerisik)
1 pc turmeric leaf (daun kunyit)
-thinly sliced

1 Blend the shallots, garlic, ginger and lemngrass in a blender until
   fine. Heat the oil in a wok, and place the blended ingredients and
   the ground chilli and sti-fry until fragrant.

2 Then add in the beef cubes and coconut milk to the mixture. Add
   in the sugar and salt and continue stirring.

3 Let it simmer for half an hour on low heat before adding in the
   fried coconut (kerisik) and sliced turmeric leaf.

4 Continue cooking on slow heat for 45 minutes until the gravy
   becomes thick in consistency, stirring from time to time.

5 Once the beef is tender and aromatic, dish out and place into a
   warm serving dish. Serve hot with fluffy white rice. 

Prawn Curry with Pineapple

5 tbsp cooking oil
1 sprig curry leaf
1 ½ cups water
1 slice tamarind peel
500 g tiger prawns
400 g fresh pineapple
-(cleaned and cut into bite sized pcs)
150 ml thick coconut milk
1 ½ tsp salt

Mix with 4 tbsp water
3 tbsp fish curry powder
and 1 ½ tbsp chilli powder

Pound to paste (or blend)
50 g shallot
10 g fresh ginger

1 Heat oil in wok. When hot, put in the curry leaves, pounded shallots
   and ginger. Fry until light brown and then add in fish and chilli powder

2 Pour in the water, add the tamarind skin and then cover and cook for
   five minutes. And pineapple while add in prawns, stir gently. Simmer
   for 10 minutes on low heat.

3 Add in the coconut milk and salt and bring to a boil. Once boiled
   remove from heat. Serve hot.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Tong Kwai Chicken

½ chicken, cut into 5cm pcs (use kampung chicken if available)
50g old ginger, pounded to extract the juice
½ cup wine

Ground coarsely
25 pcs tong kwai (angelica – buy from chinese medical halls)
10g kei zhi (wolfberry – buy from chinese medical halls)

1 Marinate chicken in ginger juice, wine and ground tong kwai and
   kei zhi for about 1 hour in room temperature.

2 Heat water in a steamer over a medium fire. When water comes to
   a boil, add chicken and allow to steam for about 15 minutes or until
   chicken is cooked. Serve hot with rice.

Ginger and Red Dates Tea

The combined ingredients of this tea is meant to revitalise the lungs,
drive out excess “wind”. This tea is usually serve to new mums
during their confinement period.
You don't have to be in confinement to enjoy this !

100 g red dates, seeded
50 g blcak dates, seeded
100 g dried longan
25 g tong sum
-(buy from Chinese medical hall)
100 g old ginger, sliced or smashed
3 litres boiling water

1 Put red dates, black dates, dried longan, tong sum and ginger
   in a sieve and rinse under running water.

2 Place all the rinsed ingredients in a slow cooker, add hot boiling
   water and allow to brew overnight.

3 Transfer the tea into a thermos flask the next morning and discard
   the ingredients.

Spicy Fried Chicken

Ingredients A
1.5kg chicken (cut into large pcs)
2 ½ tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
100 g rice flour
90 g plain flour
4-5 sprigs of curry leaves
Cooking oil for deep frying

Ingredients B
(Blended into paste)
200 g small onions/shallot)
5 g turmeric root
20 to 24 dried chillies -
(Soaked in hot water until soft)
2 tbsp water

1 Pour the blended ingredients into a bowl, add salt and sugar and
mix thoroughly. Put chicken pieces into the bowl and completely
smother it with the marinade. Marinate for 4-5 in the refrigerator.

2 Dust the marinated chicken in rice flour and plain flour mix.

3 Heat oil, once hot put in the curry leaves and chicken pieces.
Fry until golden brown. Add more curry leaves if you like.

Tip: Fry chicken in batches.

Papaya Chutney

1 kg papaya (cut into chunks)
2 apples (chopped)
1 clove garlic
½ tsp black pepper
½ tsp white pepper
Tie in a muslin bag -
(1 small stick cinnamon, a few cloves,
nutmegs and cardamons)
500 g sultanas
60 g ground ginger
3 small onions (skinned)
500 g brown sugar
salt to taste
½ lit. vinegar

1 In a sauce pan add the apples, papaya and sugar and cook until
mixture becomes soft to the consistency of jam.

2 Roughly mash the mixture then add in all the remaining ingredients
except the vinegar.

3 Cook chutney for a further 10 minutes then remove from heat and
pour into a storage jar. Add vinegar and leave to cool before sealing.

Important Note : Storage Jars have to be sterilise, otherwise the
pickles will not keep.

Tomato Chutney

Pickles and chutney will add more dash and flavour to your meals. 
Here is a simple Chutney recipe.

1 kg tomatoes (chopped)
250 g green apples (chopped)
250 g small onions
¼ lit. vinegar
250 g brown sugar
salt to taste
200 g raisins or sultanas
1 tsp each spices – tied in muslin bag
(cloves, peppercorn, cardamoms)

Grind together
10-12 dried chillies
1 thick slice ginger
4-5 cloves garlic

1 Place all the ingredients in a large sauce, add the muslin bag with
the mixed spices and the ground ingredients.

2 Bring mixture to the boil and cook over low heat till mixture becomes
thick and dry. Reove from heat and discard muslin bag.

3 Cool slightly before storing in jars.

Important Note : Storage Jars have to be sterilise, otherwise the

pickles will not keep.

Simple Light Cheese Cake

250 g full cream milk
800 g cream cheese
200 g salted butter
400 g egg whites
200 g castor sugar
300 g egg yolks

1 Boil the milk in a double boiler on medium heat. As it is simmering,
add in chunks of cheese while stirring until everything is melted.
Set aside.

2 In a separate pan, slowly heat up and melt the butter. Once liquid,
set aside.

3 Beat the egg whites, and castor sugar together until stiff and foaming.

4 Slowly add the yolks, the melted milk and cheese mixture and butter
in a mixing bowl. Beat at medium speed. Slowly fold the egg white
and castor sugar mixture into the cake mix.

5 Pour the cake mixture into a greased mould. Bake the cake in shallow
pan of water - 210 C for 65 minutes.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Caramelized Banana with Cinnamon

2 no banana, cut to half
3g cinnamon powder for dusting
30g unsalted butter
60g castor sugar
40 gm water (2 ¾ tbsp)

For garnish
2 no strawberry, cut to half
1 scoop vanilla ice cream

1 Dust the banana with cinnamon powder.

2 Heat butter in pan and fried banana till golden brown color.
   Remove from heat.

3 Pour the sugar and water into the same pan to make the caramel

4 When it starts to caramelized put in the banana for coating.

5 Arrange neatly on plate and garnish with strawberry and topped
   with ice cream.

   Couldn't be any simpler !! Enjoy !!

Fragrant Steamed Rice

200g glutinous rice
-(cleaned and soaked overnight)
50g shelled chestnuts
2 lotus leaves, soaked
100g chicken wings
-(Chopped into bite-sized pieces)
3 dried Chinese mushrooms
-(soaked until soft and quartered)
1 tsp chopped garlic
1 tsp chopped shallots
20g dried prawns
-(soaked, cleaned and chopped)
1-2 tbsp oil

Seasoning (A)
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
½ tsp Chinese five spice powder
1 tsp Chinese rice wine
½ tsp chicken stock granules
¼ tsp pepper
½ tsp dark soya sauce
½ tsp sesame oil
½ tsp Shao Hsing Hua Tiau wine (optional)
3 tbsp water

Seasoning (B)
1 tsp Chinese five spice powder
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp dark soya sauce
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp light soya sauce
¼ tsp pepper

1 Marinate chicken with (A) for 15-20 minutes. Deep fry chestnuts
   in hot oil for 1-2 minutes. Drain.

2 Heat 1 tbsp oil in a wok and fry garlic and shallots for 1 minutes.
   Add marinated chicken, mushrooms and dried prawns. Fry until
   fragrant. Add chestnuts and continue to fry for 2-3 minutes. Add
   remaining 1 tbsp oil to the wok, put in glutinous rice and
   seasoning (B) and toss well to combine for 1-2 minutes. Dish out
   and put aside.

3 Divide rice, chicken and chestnut mixiture into 2 portions.
   Place lotus leaf in a deep stainless steel bowl or heat resistant bowl.
   Lightly grease the leaf. Arrange chicken, chetnuts, mushrooms and
   remaining mixture in the centre of the lotus leaf. Top with the
   glutinous rice.

4 Wrap up the rice in a neat package. Tuck in the leaves neatly.
   Steam for 25-30 minutes or until rice cooked. Serve the rice hot.

   Enjoy !!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Roast Chilli Potatoes


1kg potatoes peeled, 
 (cut into 3-cm pieces)
1 tbsp salt
5 tbsps olive oil
Chilli powder
Fresh coriander leaves

1 Heat oven to 200 C. Rub salt generously all over the potatoes.

2 Add a liberal dribbing of olive oil and roasts in oven till golden.
This should take about 30 minutes,

3 Just before serving, dust hot potatoes with chilli powder and
generous sprinkling of chopped fresh coriander.

Eggplant Bharta

4 Brinjal (eggplant)
2 tomatoes
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
1 ginger (thumb-sized)
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp tumeric powder
Salt and sugar to taste

1 Pierce whole brinjals with a fork at several places and roast in a
hot oven 200 C for 5 minutes or till soft inside. Remove and when
when cool, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out flesh. Discard the

2 While the brinjals are roasting, chop tomatoes coarsely
Chop the onion, garlic and ginger finely.

3 Heat oil in a pan over a medium fire. Stir-fry chopped onions,
garlic and ginger over a small fire for 40 to 60 seconds till fragrant
not browned. Add the spice powders, then the tomatoes and the
scooped out brinjal (eggplant).

4 Lower the fire and cook, stirring all the time for 5 minutes till
vegetables are soft and pureed. Add 2 to 4 tbsps water from time
to time to prevent vegetables drying out.

5 Season and serve with coriander leaves and toast on the side.

Wholemeal Bread And Butter Pudding

5-8 slices wholemeal bread
Ground cinnamon
3 tbsp raisins or sultanas
3 eggs
2 drops vanilla essence
2 tbsp sugar
450ml fresh milk

1 Toast the bread and lightly butter each slice while still hot.
Cut into squares, rectangles or triangles (4 pieces per slice).

2 Arrange a layer of buttered toast on the base of shallow
ovenproof dish. Sprinkle with a little sugar (about 2 tsp should do)
and a dusting of ground cinnamon. Scatter 1 tbsp of raisins.

3 Repeat with another layer of bread/sugar/spices/raisins – until
the dish is almost full to the top.

4 Beat the eggs, vanilla and sugar together. Blend in the milk.
Pour this mixture over the bread, letting the bread soak it all in.
Set the pudding aside for 10 minutes.

5 Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 C . Place the bread pudding
dish in a shallow baking tray filled with about half an inch of hot water.
(this is called a bain marie or 'water bath' which allows the pudding
to cook gently so that the end result is a moist, rather than a dry
and overcooked, custard.)

6 Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the top is golden brown in colour
and the custard has set. Serve warm, if liked, with vanilla ice-cream.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Honey Satay Chicken

1 kg chicken breast
3 stalks lemongrass, (sliced and blended)
½ cup meat curry powder
½ cup sugar
2 tbsp honey
4 tbsp oil
1 lemon (sliced into wedges)

Ingredients A (to be blended until fine)
1 inch ginger
5 pcs shallot
4 cloves garlic

1 Put chicken, lemongrass, meat curry powder, sugar, honey and
ingredients A in a bowl and mix well. Leave to marinate for 1 ½ hours.

2 Heat up oil and fry each piece of chicken until fragrant. Serve hot
with rice and garnish with lemon wedges.

Chicken Stock

Preparing Your Own Chicken Stock

Bones of 2 small chickens or 1 medium-sized chicken
3 cm piece ginger, bruised
1 onion, quartered
2 cloves garlic, bruised
1tsp whole peppercorns
½ tsp salt

Rinse chicken bones, cover with water and bring to a boil.
Throw away the water, cover bones with 2 litres of fresh water.
Add the rest of the ingredients. Bring stock to a boil, then turn
down fire to low and simmer for 2 hours. There should be 1.2 of
liquid left.

Strain stock into a clean pan. Discard bones and vegetables.
This stock wil keep fo 1 week if chilled in the fridge.
If you freeze it, it will keep for 2-3 weeks.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pizza Dough

How To Make Basic Pizza Dough (Thin Crust)
Makes 2 Pizza Dough

7g yeast
250 ml warm water
300 g plain flour
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsps olive oil
1/2 tsp salt

1 Combine yeast and warm water in a small mixing bowl and let it
   stand for 2-3 minutes.
2 Add flour, sugar, olive oil and salt to the mix. With your hands,
   work the ingredients together.
3 Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface for 5 minutes or until
   smooth and elastic. Divide the dough in two.
4 Roll them into balls and rest the dough for 15 minutes.
5 Roll dough out to form a round pizza base with 14-inch diameter
   and 0.3 inch thickness.
6 Place pizza dough onto a slightly oiled baking sheet. Pizza dough 
   is now ready for toppings and sauces.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chicken With Garlic

Choosing Poultry
With the different types of bird available and many ways they are sold,
popular choice for every sort of occasion.s
By far the tastiest poultry to buy is that which has been farmyard reared
and is freshly killed. When buying a fresh chicken, look for plump, well-
rounded breast, and skin that is free from blemishes and bruising.

If using frozen poultry, poultry must be thawed completely before 
cooking, Poultry cooked from frozen, or even with a few ice crystals
remaining, is a serious health risk.

Chicken With Garlic


 4 tbsp olive oil
1.8 kg chicken
1 sprig each of rosemary, thyme
1 bay leaf
40 garlic cloves
salt and freshly ground pepper
grated nutmeg
300 ml hot water



1 Heat the oil in a flameproof casserole and fry the chicken for about 8 
   minutes until browned on all sides. remove chicken from casserole.

2 Place the herbs in the base of the casserole. Arrange the garlic,
   unpeeled, in one layer over them. Place the chicken on top and
   season well with salt, pepper and nutmeg.

3 Cover and cook over a very low heat for 1 1/2 hours until tender,
   adding a little hot water if necessary.

4 When cooked, removed the chicken and place on a warmed serving 
   dish. Set aside and keep hot until required.

5 Strain the sauce into a bowl, pushing the garlic cloves through
   the sieve, using the back of a wooden spoon.

6 Add the hot water to the casserole and stir to lift the sediment.
   Return the sauce, taste and adjust seasoning, and simmer for 
   2 minutes or until hot.  Serve with the chicken.