Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Beef Rendang

100 g shallots
30 g garlic
30 g ginger
3 stalks lemongrass (serai)
100 ml oil
1kg beef, cubed
500 ml coconut milk
4 tsp sugar
2 tsp salt
150 g chilli, ground
50 g coconut - pan-fried until
brown and then blended finely (kerisik)
1 pc turmeric leaf (daun kunyit)
-thinly sliced

1 Blend the shallots, garlic, ginger and lemngrass in a blender until
   fine. Heat the oil in a wok, and place the blended ingredients and
   the ground chilli and sti-fry until fragrant.

2 Then add in the beef cubes and coconut milk to the mixture. Add
   in the sugar and salt and continue stirring.

3 Let it simmer for half an hour on low heat before adding in the
   fried coconut (kerisik) and sliced turmeric leaf.

4 Continue cooking on slow heat for 45 minutes until the gravy
   becomes thick in consistency, stirring from time to time.

5 Once the beef is tender and aromatic, dish out and place into a
   warm serving dish. Serve hot with fluffy white rice.